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Bank of Taiwan encourages blood donation in Taipei and Kaohsiung

1130424-Bank of Taiwan encourages blood donation in Taipei and Kaohsiung

On March 15, 2024, Bank of Taiwan hosted its first charity blood donation event this year at both headquarters’ Department of Business and the Kaohsiung Hsingsing Branch. Alongside BankTaiwan Securities Co., Ltd., they encouraged colleagues, clients, and the public nationwide to donate blood together, infusing the Taiwan Blood Services Foundation with support to meet the demand for blood supplies across various sectors.

At the commencement of the morning event, Chairman of the Bank, Joseph Lyu, led senior executives in a spirited participation. They were present at the site in front of the headquarters Department of Business, advocating that blood donation is both altruistic and self-beneficial, and encouraging more people, particularly the youth, to donate blood. Through this act of kindness, they aimed to foster greater awareness of social welfare, inspiring others to follow suit and ensuring the continuity of love. On the event day, crowds of enthusiastic participants lined up at both venues in Taipei and Kaohsiung, with over 500 people responding to the call. Together, a total of 833 bags were collected, amounting to 208,250 cc of blood, to replenish the blood bank and assist those in need in reclaiming health and happiness through concrete actions.

For this blood donation event, the Taipei and Kaohsiung Blood Centers were invited to provide a total of 4 blood donation vehicles, in acknowledgment of the public’s enthusiastic response. Furthermore, the Taipei Blood Center was specifically tasked with arranging an electric blood donation vehicle. This electric vehicle operates with minimal noise from its engine, effectively reducing on-site noise and exhaust emissions. According to the Taiwan Blood Services Foundation's report, the electric blood donation vehicle is expected to reduce carbon emissions by 48%, providing donors with a more comfortable and environmentally friendly environment. This initiative helps to reduce the impact of global climate change, reduce carbon footprints, and promote green initiatives alongside charitable activities.