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Celebrating the Year of the Dragon through Calligraphy,Extending Best Wishes for BOT’s Prosperous Journey


In anticipation of the Lunar New Year, the Bank of Taiwan held an event themed "Celebrating Spring Festival through Calligraphy" on January 29-30 at the business hall of the head office. Esteemed calligraphers such as Xue Pingnan, Shi Chunmao, Li Yuzhou, and Yang Xutang, were specially invited to join the winners of the BOT "Art Festival - Calligraphy Season" to showcase their calligraphy on site. Together with Chairman Lyu Jye-Cherng, they extended wishes for a prosperous year ahead and abundant success for the Bank of Taiwan.

Chairman Lyu Jye-Cherng shared that, despite the challenging business landscape in 2023, through the concerted efforts of the management team and all colleagues, BOT achieved a pre-tax net profit exceeding NT$28.454 billion. Overall business performance was outstanding in terms of both quality and quantity, setting a new record. He expressed appreciation for everyone's dedication in the past year and anticipated another year of remarkable accomplishments.

To celebrate the forthcoming Spring Festival, the Bank of Taiwan upholds the age-old tradition of hanging spring couplets, hosting a calligraphy event to usher in the prosperous Year of the Dragon. To promote the art of calligraphy in a diverse modern society and advocate the preservation and progression of cultural heritage, BOT invites calligraphy masters and winners of the Calligraphy Season to join hands in creating couplets. These couplets, rich with blessings and auspiciousness, not only convey hopes for the new year but also extend sincere wishes to our valued customers. I wish everyone a prosperous and auspicious New Year. May the good fortune be ever-present.

The event site buzzed with excitement, drawing the attention of many customers and onlookers. The graceful display of calligraphy by masters, his unique styles of budding calligraphers, and the creatively inspired traditional Chinese paintings added many festive and diverse elements to the spring couplets. These joyous couplets, cherished by the public, were enthusiastically sought after and taken home for a cheerful and prosperous start to the Year of the Dragon. Through this New Year event, BOT also aimed to showcase the beauty of traditional calligraphy art.