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Half a Century of Promoting Sports Development: Bank of Taiwan Awarded Gold in Sports Promoter Awards


The Sports Administration of the Ministry of Education recently held the "15th Sports Promoter Awards Ceremony" at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. The Bank of Taiwan (BOT) has long been a steadfast supporter of sports, particularly in the development of basketball and baseball. After obtaining the "Sports Enterprise Certification" this year, the BOT has been honored with the "Gold Award for Promotion" in the "Sports Promoter Awards" for the sixth consecutive year. Executive Yuan Minister without Portfolio Lin Wan-i personally presented the award to Mr. Shih Che-Yu, SEVP of the BOT, in recognition of the bank's continuous efforts to foster a national sports culture and promote the sustainable development of sports.

The BOT established its men's basketball team in 1973, and it has been actively involved in the basketball scene in Taiwan for over half a century. The BOT’s endeavors include nurturing young basketball talents, training national team players, and elevating the standard of domestic basketball sports. Notable basketball stars such as Hsu Chih-chiang and Chen Shun-hsiang, along with current star players like Hsieh Tsung-jung, Su Shih-hsuan, and Chang Chia-ho, all emerged from the BOT's exceptional basketball talent development program. The BOT allocates several million dollars annually to provide players with nutritional support, bonuses, access to high-quality training facilities, dedicated player dormitories, and comprehensive welfare systems. This funding aims to nurture and develop exceptional basketball talents and facilitate their participation in various basketball events. The BOT's commitment to ensuring player development without any financial concerns extends to providing opportunities for outstanding retired players to transition into banking positions when they retire from the sport, thus offering a complete career pathway.

In addition, the BOT is actively dedicated to basketball development at the grassroots level. Every summer, the bank hosts a complimentary youth basketball summer camp as a charitable initiative. In July 2023, a 5-day basketball summer camp was organized, welcoming 250 participants, encompassing youth from senior high schools, junior high schools, and elementary schools. Additionally, each year, the bank plans outreach visits to remote schools to nurture the seeds of passion for basketball. In September 2023, employees visited two schools in Yilan County, Toucheng and Li-Ming Elementary Schools, to engage in basketball-related activities and exchanges. In November of the same year, they extended their outreach to Daya Elementary School in Taichung City and Dacheng Junior High School in Nantou County, engaging in on-campus basketball charity events while providing training and support to young students.

Under the leadership of Chairman Lyu Jye-Cherng, the BOT continues to play a pivotal role in promoting various domestic sports events. Not only has it received recognition through the Sports Promoter Awards, but it has also earned the "Sports Enterprise Certification" three consecutive times, establishing itself as one of the most dedicated sports supporters in the corporate sector. In addition to its commitment to basketball, the BOT has actively engaged in the promotion of baseball. Since 2010, the bank has partnered with the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) to extend invitations to young players from baseball teams all across the country, offering them the opportunity to attend the "CPBL All-Star Game." By providing them with the opportunity to witness the passion and excitement of the nation's premier baseball event and witness the extraordinary skills of star players, the BOT aims to inspire a profound love for baseball in the hearts of these young athletes. This experience is hoped to inspire them to diligently hone their baseball skills and aspire to become rising stars in Taiwan's national sport, with the ultimate goal of representing their country on the international stage and contributing to Taiwan's continued excellence in the world of baseball. The BOT will continue to leverage its corporate brand resources to expand its social engagement efforts. By combining the entire organization's resources, it aims to assist underserved and vulnerable communities and contribute to public welfare. In doing so, it aligns itself with the UN SDGs, striving to achieve social harmony, national sustainability, and corporate sustainability.