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Bank of Taiwan Wins the“National Sustainable Development Awards”


Bank of Taiwan (BOT)’s proactive efforts in materializing sustainability have earned the recognition of numerous domestic and international awards. On November 30, BOT won the“National Sustainable Development Awards”from the National Council for Sustainable Development.

According to BOT, participating in the national award for the first time and winning it serves as a testament to Chairman Lyu’s words“Keep on doing the good things and the right things, and one will achieve optimal results.”In addition to endowing colleagues with honor, the bank also strives to fulfill its commitments to sustainable development through the three major sustainability strategies of“We care for the people”,“We strengthen the resilience for the society”and“We drive for the net-zero future”.

As global climate change intensifies, the topics of ESG, sustainability, and net zero have become a worldwide concern. BOT not only proclaims its resolution in keeping abreast of international trends in realizing corporate sustainability by signing the Equator Principles (EP) and Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), but also endeavors to lower carbon emissions through environmental management, GHG reduction, green procurement, and green buildings in a bid to contribute to environmental sustainability. Furthermore, BOT is dedicated to building a comprehensive human resources management system and creating a happy, harmonious workplace that offers a sense of mission and cohesion. BOT engages in the restoration of historical buildings by integrating local culture to grow with the communities. BOT also vigorously gives back to society by taking action to engender positive influence on society.

Looking ahead, BOT will continue to reduce the environmental impact of its operations and the finance sector by taking action, thereby becoming a promoter of sustainability to help Taiwan achieve the net zero target by 2050. Additionally, the bank will strive to enhance the resilience of its assets to become the bedrock of the government and industry, as well as stabilize financial development. Meanwhile, BOT will care about the welfare of customers, employees, and the general public, and proactively realize its corporate social responsibilities and social engagement to generate more warm, positive energy.