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Bank of Taiwan Protects Leopard Cats by Protecting the Environment


As an institution that cares about the issue of environmental sustainability, the Bank of Taiwan (BOT) was invited to attend the“Implementation Status of Environmental Protection and Adoption of National Non-public Use Marginal Land and 2024 Work Plan”meeting hosted by the National Property Administration, Ministry of Finance (MOF) on December 8. The BOT received a certificate of appreciation for its efforts in supporting the MOF’s environmental protection and land adoption system. And participated in various environmental and ecological protection initiatives to realize the goal of land conservation, sound environmental group operations, green finance banks, and sustainable environmental development through cross-agency collaboration.

The BOT advocates environmental and ecological sustainability and supports land conservation. It recently joined the“Leopard Cat-Friendly Farming Experience and Habitat Guided Tour”activity organized by the Leopard Cat Association of Taiwan, where the head office called upon volunteers from the branches in the Miaoli region to experience a series of leopard cat conservation activities with Fengshuwo residents. The activities are held in conjunction with local friendly farmers, launching rural experiential tours that are endowed with great ecological and educational significance. Community residents act as lecturers and professional ecology docents, taking people to visit the leopard cat habitats and allowing them to understand the habits of leopard cats and the threats they face. The rich environmental education experience lets the public appreciate the importance of leopard cat habitat conservation, in turn raising more people’s awareness of environmental protection.

BOT vigorously tries to materialize the goal of sustainable development by focusing on six major themes including“Responsible Finance, Environmental Sustainability, Corporate Governance, Employee Care, Customer Rights, and Social Engagement”, applying its financial competence to vigorously unleash its financial impact and strive toward sustainability with other industry players. As a result, the bank has won the“National Sustainable Development Awards”from the National Council for Sustainable Development, Executive Yuan. Winning the national recognition demonstrates that besides assisting companies in responding to global economic development and enhancing international competitiveness, in terms of social engagement, BOT has also expanded its participation in the research, education, promotion, and habitat protection-related activities held by the Leopard Cat Association of Taiwan. The bank implements green finance actions to protect biodiversity in a bid to bolster the depth and scope of its corporate social responsibility.