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Bank of Taiwan Displays Uninterrupted Support for Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples and Once Again Receives Distinction Award for its Overperformance in Indigenous Employment


Bank of Taiwan has actively promoted social sustainability development not only by providing stable, long-term employment opportunities for indigenous peoples, but also by protecting their working rights, and even surpassing the employment quotas stipulated in relevant laws and regulations. Recently, Bank of Taiwan received the 2023 Overperformance in Indigenous Employment Distinction Award for Organizations by the Council of Indigenous Peoples for yet another year.

Bank of Taiwan has long been cooperating with the government in promoting various policies to stabilize the financial order, revitalize economic development, and provide industrial and commercial enterprises and society with comprehensive financial services, not only pursuing sustainable corporate operations, but also paying attention to the sound development of society. In terms of protecting indigenous people’s working rights and livelihood, Bank of Taiwan strives to open up more job positions for indigenous peoples when planning the workforce demand layout. Bank of Taiwan actively provides opportunities for indigenous peoples, cultivates their work competences to deliver better services, increases their salaries and elevates their work abilities, and further raises their social-economical status, fulfilling the vision of a prosperous, unified society.

Bank of Taiwan received the Indigenous Employment Excellence Award for Organizations and Factories in 2018 and 2020, respectively, and last year (2022), the higher recognition of the Indigenous Employment Distinction Award for Organizations. This year (2023), Bank of Taiwan received this award once again, highlighting its overachieving performance in indigenous employment and fulfilling the government’s care policies toward indigenous peoples, from which the Bank has received high validation and recognition. These efforts have also realized the Bank’s corporate social responsibilities for sustainable development.